Monday, July 21, 2008

My 1st Anniversary

Yesterday was so relax and peaceful.
Yet yesterday seems to be important.
Yeah, Yesterday was our 1st wedding Anniversary.

So, we went out and celebrate our annivesary in the most average and decent way that could be think of but yet it was full of content. The gift was not expensive but has its own priceless value .



Maymel said...

Happy anniversary to you too sayang...alhamdulilah,ALLAH telah bukakan pintu rezeki kita..most valuable and precious gift from ALLAH is our little EMI WARDIAH...proud to have you and emi...i love you both of you from the bottom of my heart...mmmuuuuaaahhhhhssss to dady and you

Hambali ® said...

selamat hari ulangtahun

** saya slow slap saja cikgu
har har har suwod suwod

X-weatherman said...

Har har har..

Lama doh aku x dengor kata-kata hikmah tu...tapi mu tertinggal sambungannya..

"saya slow slap je cikgu".."tapi saya rasa tiime tu saya bukan manusia"

ooo..what a day..

nmfairus said...

Happy anniversary, hope u'll happy alwayz.